LAF is pleased to announce a partnership with AIA insurance to raise awareness through their virtual walk, ‘Walk to Give...
Timeline Blog
Clients & volunteers doing their activities on their respective Activity Centre days. It was amazing to see how our clients participated in all the activities that the volunteers organized.
Painting and preparing to make a flower basket Clients making their own Sandwich
Fancy Dress activity held for Avurudu Caregivers Society Meeting Elders society making picture puzzles
We had Avurudu celebrations in two villages. It was held on the 15th of April, for the elders in Berathuduwa...
Hi Exclusive | Lanka Alzheimer’s Foundation
Hi Exclusive | Lanka Alzheimer’s Foundation
In August 2021, LAF began a strategic planning exercise resulting in a strategic plan for the next five years 2022—2026....
CMS Masters
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ultrices ipsum non mattis pharetra. Integer laoreet non felis sit amet...
Plain t with Sulo X Memorable Steps 2022
Plain t with Sulo X Memorable Steps 2022